Monday, January 4, 2010

The Final Countdown

If my calculations are correct, in 12 hours I will be moved in to my apartment in the heart of Washington, D.C. It's halfway scary, halfway exciting and entirely strange. I don't know anything about the city, I don't have a job yet, and I only know one person there. I have no idea what's about to happen. But anytime something interesting does happen, I'll write about it here so you guys can keep track. I'll also post pictures and videos and all sorts of other goodies as they occur, so feel free to keep track if you want. And I'm not falling off the face of the earth; please call or text or Facebook me. I may not respond immediately, but I'll try my best.

Hope you are all having a wonderful evening, and I hope you'll stick with me as I embark on this completely silly and ridiculous venture I have undertaken.


Betsy said...

Good luck in D.C.! I'm jealous that you're there.

You should try to crash a White House event. I hear it's not that hard.

Richard said...

Andrew – so funny God prompts me to think of you and I find you wondering about Washington D.C.. My wife would tell me that when someone enters your mind – it is God’s way of saying you should pray for them (whether I believe that or not is an entirely different discussion). It is wonderful to see you have come so far in life as I knew you would. I really hope you have enjoyed the journey thus far and you find Washington (for whatever reason you are there) to be everything you anticipated and more. It is an absolutely beautiful city.

When you have time – shoot me an email ( I’d love to hear how things are going.

-Richard (Richie) Freshwater

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