Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Crack the Shutters

I'm finally updating. I know, be shocked. Interesting stuff has finally happened (and Susan would only let me eat at Five Guy's if I updated, but still).

I finally have an internship! After three weeks with nothing to do, I started today at Common Cause and Public Campaign. At Common Cause I am a research intern responsible for researching Congressmen and writing reports on their voting records and money trail, along with other things. I'm also a communications intern for Public Campaign, where I hopefully be able to write press releases, blog, and generally do other things that my journalism classes taught me about. Both organizations are government accountability groups that focus on several reform issues, though Public Campaign focuses solely on campaign finance reform. I'm very excited and can't wait to actually get into the groove of working again.

In other news, I found out (on my birthday) that I have been nominated for the Taylor Medal, the highest academic achievement at Ole Miss. They only give them to 1% of the student body, and they are (theoretically) based solely on academic performance. I have a 4.0 GPA, but my course load wasn't quite as rigorous as people who weren't political science majors, so I honestly have no idea where I stand in the running. But it's seriously the only award I've ever wanted, so I really hope that I get it. I know God has everything under control, so I'm trying desperately to not worry about it.

That's about it from this side of the Potomac, but I'll try to be more diligent as more cool stuff starts happening.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I've finished my very first week here in DC an I'm still not entirely sure what to think. Overall, I would say it has been fun, if less eventful than I was hoping.

Cal and I got to have some lovely adventures. We went to the National Archives on our first day where we saw the original Magna Carta, the Declaration of Independence, the Constituion and the Bill of Rights. We then went to the Smithsonian Museum of American History on Friday; they had some of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Abe Lincoln's hat, Fonzie's jacket, George Washington's uniform, the flag from Ft. McHenry...like I said, I've gotten to see some amazing things. Add to all that my first glimpses of the Washington Monument, the Capitol, the White House and the Lincoln Memorial and I'd say this has been one heck of a week.

Other than that, I'm still looking for a job. I'm supposed to hear back from the place I interviewed tomorrow, so everyone keep me in your prayers if you would.

Hopefully things will pick up this week as far as excitement goes, so I might have more stuff to write about. I hope you're all doing well.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Final Countdown

If my calculations are correct, in 12 hours I will be moved in to my apartment in the heart of Washington, D.C. It's halfway scary, halfway exciting and entirely strange. I don't know anything about the city, I don't have a job yet, and I only know one person there. I have no idea what's about to happen. But anytime something interesting does happen, I'll write about it here so you guys can keep track. I'll also post pictures and videos and all sorts of other goodies as they occur, so feel free to keep track if you want. And I'm not falling off the face of the earth; please call or text or Facebook me. I may not respond immediately, but I'll try my best.

Hope you are all having a wonderful evening, and I hope you'll stick with me as I embark on this completely silly and ridiculous venture I have undertaken.